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June 23, 2006


Jackin NYC

I have been reading about the life of Joan Dye Gussow , In addition to her books, she has also produced a variety of articles on food-related topics. Gussow currently lives, writes, and grows organic vegetables on the west bank of the Hudson River!!!

Joan Loof

I recently moved to the Napa Valley and have started eating organic. I have so much more energy now. istrongly recommend it.

Joan Loof

I agree that eating organically is better than not. I live in Seattle where organic food is widely available. Since i started feeding my family organically, my kids seem to have calmed down, get sick less, and they get along better. My sister Janet loof and myself Joan Loof have had the same results.

Cara Fletcher

When gardening and growing food for your family for an example it's better to try the organic way becasue this way you'll be sure that you're eating something that is not full with pesticides and other harmful ingridients.

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