Polar bears, cold, and three foot reinforced concrete walls built into an Arctic mountain will help safeguard the world's seeds on an island near the North Pole. Yes, while the rest of us market buggy whips and try to recall what we left at the dry cleaners', the people of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, based in Rome, are actually out to save the world from starvation. Up to three million seeds, gathered from among the 1400 seed banks in the world, will lie in wait in the "doomsday vault," ready to be brought forth in the event of natural catastrophes, manmade disasters or other mishaps. The vault's cost will be $3 million,paid for by the Norwegian government.
The prime ministers of Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland attended yesterday's stone-laying event, with bemused white bears gawking from a safe distance.
( Pic from National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado.)
In this troubled world, Old Foodie, we are glad to assuage your fears, however inadequately.
Posted by: foodie | June 21, 2006 at 10:07 AM
Somehow, I am vaguely reassured by this.
Posted by: The Old Foodie | June 21, 2006 at 03:59 AM