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October 24, 2006



Though it's a blatant cry for PR, the first comment stays, as it must in order for us to enjoy Kathy's comment.
And anyway, I am a friend of produce--who isn't?
As for calves, our landlady in Belgium always kept one beautiful Jersey cow in her stable, and each year there was one calf---when the calf was a little guy there was much angst and despair over his separation from Mom and then his slaughter into veal chops.
Finally, our friend could stand it no more, and there went the thick Jersey cream and perfect yogurt and all the rest. We never went for the veal, mind you, and she bought cream elsewhere from a farmer but it wasn't Jersey cream, no.


That previous comment is unintendly ironic.

Yes, when you're searching for a humane way to eat meat, the answer is to eat produce.

I wish those squishy affluent carnivores could hear my cows when their babies are taken away from them. I am hoping to be gone that week, since I cannot stand the noise.

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