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October 02, 2007



Balkans are a mixed culture that were ruled by the Ottaman Empire for over 500 years; if Albanians eat like Greeks, than the Greeks eat like the Turks! Mother Nature produces for every culture the same fruits based on the regions in which the fruits thrive. Food is a personal preference and is prepared differently not only in every country but differently in every home.



the cuisine is matter of "gusto"
u have to try both foods albanian and greek specialities to taste the diference ! we are talking about balkans mixed culture and history so if you go in the northen greece you may find traditional food like in southern albania ... but they are not the same ...
who said that the feta is greek made ... you can find in albania kinds of feta .. that you cant find in greece in italy or worldwide ... so ... dont walk on the surface someone may feel good buying water from homeland... is somethink that you can feel only if you are a stranger in a strange country ....



albanian food isn't famous,but belive me there are many specialities,and much more salutary than american food (if exsist a typical one)

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