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October 11, 2007



No, Rose--pls find!


Did you see the article about us westerners only eating chicken breasts? The rest going to Africa- they are drowning in it- and it is ruining their chicken- raising industry? Can't remember where I saw it.


Some people are advocating raw meats and bones, and mushed up veggies/nuts/berries for dogs--nothing cooked and no grains. An attempt to replicate the eating habits of dogs back in their more wolfish days.

Kelly Mahoney

Rachel Ray has a featured every month in the magazine about cooking for dogs. I don't know if I could take it that far.


I can't decide whether that pooch looks worried or smug. LOL


I like your Blog very much!


I just made chicken soup for my guests and am feeling a little bad about it! Dog is definitely out of the question! How could anyone eat man's best friend? No comprendo!If you ever owned a 100 year old carp, I think you would give up fish too.

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