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January 21, 2008



Silly of me... That's lettuce, not algae....


From this photo, I need to get to the Tampa Zoo!
Also, must be hungry cuz that algae looked pretty tasty...


Hello Food Museum Blog,

In the last few months, you may remember receiving an email invitation to become a part of the Foodbuzz Featured Publisher Program. With all the recipe-writing and food photography to be completed, we know emails can easily get lost in the shuffle, so Foodbuzz would like to re-extend our offer of inviting you to be a part of our food blogger network. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at [email protected].


Shannon Eliot
Editorial Assistant, Foodbuzz.com
[email protected]


Our guts are more similar to the manatees than to our dogs'.

But I can't really get into algae.

Fortunately, there's spinach.

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