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October 26, 2009


hanimant patio furniture

We should be watchful with what we're eating.


With winter coming on, it's so hard to resist the doughy lovelies...But truly, a modest bite of something is almost as satisfying as a major serving---a c. bun, some pumpkin ice cream, these days I am making even a brownie "last." ( Oh God am I sounding self-satisfied now...)


I am one of the idiots who could not withstand a bargain in Tucson where Krispy Kreme opened and sold yecchy doughnuts cheapest by the dozen.
( what an assinine name ) We went in to get one free and idiot me came out with a bought dozen. I now have them on my hips but have not fallen for the ploy again! Aaaarrrggghh!


"alluring and catastrophically caloric buns" - blog snippet of the day!

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