Did I know there was a tv genre dubbed "workplace comedy?" Not really, but over the years I have noticed that most people in tv comedies rarely work, prepare food, or eat. To the rescue comes the new animated show from Fox, "Bob's Burgers," about a bizarre yet cohesive family of five, The Belchers, running an iffy burger joint in an unknown city. They work, they prepare food, they eat! ( And the restaurant's biggest competitor is Jimmy Pesto's Pizzeria.)
The humor is off-the-wall, unexpected, droll, low key. The NYTimes reviewer found "Bob's" vulgar. My, my. It does veer into 4th grade boy-land a few times, and poop jokes will probably be left, um, behind soon by the writers, but this show is worth a look. Maybe a second or third look. I admit I almost said no after Week 2, but I am glad I stuck with it.
Yes, it's not entirely even. The show with the cow was great, the show with Bob faux-trapped in the walls, not so much. My favorite epi thus far was last week, where Bob's oldest hapless, drony daughter Tina gets a crush on a long-haired instructor of Capoeira, the Brazilian combo of martial arts, music and dance. Tina fails her Cap test and is crushed. Fatherly concern arises. Sweet.
The "drawing" itself is superb, each character well conveyed. Watching graceless Tina swinging herself back and forth like a metronome....Running gags feature things like The Cumin-Get-It Burger on signs posted at the counter.
BTW The Capoeira guy asked Bob for a veggie burger, can you believe?