The new, new, thang, apparently is fast, fast, blogging---longer than a Tweet, sometimes, faster than a guy in a red/blue casing, easy, multi-media-ish, etc. So your very own Foodie signed up on Tumblr to create The FOOD Museum's latest offering, EATSAlaska, an ADHD blog in re the aforementioned.
Still navigating it, so bear with me.
The odd thing about this is that the coherence of the narrative, so to say, begins at the end. So take a look by scrolling down.....and hitting Older--aren't we all?---and take a deep breath and keep going. If you feel like it.
Pictured: a classic serving of Alaska halibut & chips, devoured last summer by Foodie & Co. at the Flight Deck right on Juneau's harbor.